Krammer & Stoudt Autumn/Winter 2017

Friday, February 03, 2017

'In this season of profound change politically and socially, it seemed appropriate to focus on the invisible among us, unfortunates who piece together a way of life by forging relationships not necessarily familial, but just as strong, and express themselves creatively and to the world as a tribe, a united front against the injustices dealt them. Their expression is rebellious, permanently youthful, with extreme resilience to the elements and the circumstances they must overcome to survive. They are known for moving around the country by very old fashioned means, by hopping freight trains. 

We were introduced to this tribe of modern day vagabonds via living in the Western cities of Los Angeles, Austin, Taos...they seem ubiquitous in these places. The photographer Mike Brodie documented his time amongst them in a body of work called 'A Period of Juvenile Prosperity' and his imagery was a strong visual influence on the collection. Warm but muted tones, open landscapes, raw and rustic textures. Creative Director Mike Rubin's fondness for the Scottish born artist Peter Doig, specifically his Works on Paper, most recently seen at Michael Werner Gallery in NYC, played a part in the inspiration for the palette of the AW17 collection.'

All photography courtesy of Menelik Puryear

I hope you enjoyed the collection as much as I did! Don't forget to check out to explore the world of Krammer & Stoudt!

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